Waturu Holding A/S is exploring opportunities to move to the main market and is in dialogue with institutional investors

Company Announcement No. 16
Vejle, September 26, 2019

Following a successful IPO in May, Waturu has experienced increasing demand for the company’s products from home and abroad – products based on a new water technology that can reduce water and energy consumption by 75% while significantly reducing CO2 emissions.

Society, customers and partners are demanding “green solutions” that can solve the climate challenges we all face. Thousands of properties spend unnecessarily large resources on heating and circulating hot water. Our mission is to change this and ensure less CO2 emissions.

Worldwide, the climate is in focus. This past week millions of young climate activists took to the streets in up to 150 countries to demand action from world leaders in the fight against global climate change.

The consequences of the challenges we are already seeing will only accelerate in the future. Therefore, it is important that real changes in our consumption patterns occur. Waturu can support this development with high-efficiency products. 

The main market

As a consequence of the above, Waturu has chosen to explore the possibilities of moving the company to the main stock market and thereby achieve improved international visibility, while providing a higher standard of transparency, improved equity liquidity and access to more and larger investors who can support the company’s commercial opportunities going forward.

Dialogue with Institutional Investors

At the same time, Waturu enters into dialogue with “green” institutional investors about providing funding for Waturu’s hot water solution to the country’s more than 2,100 schools, which will have an expected average contract price of approx. 500,000 DKK. pr. school.

The offer to the individual school will make it possible to reduce water and energy consumption by 75% and at the same time contribute to a significantly reduced CO2 emission. The repayment of the solution is based solely on the savings on water and energy and is expected to be completed within 4 – 6 years.
Thereby the climate and the students win without affecting the finances of the schools or municipalities.

The savings allow for the replacement of the schools’ old faucets to new “touch-free” sensor faucets that improve hygiene in combination with the improved comfort of instant hot water. This reduces the risk of infection-spread and the number of sick days among students and teachers.

Waturu expects to announce further updates on the above by December 31, 2019.

More information:
CEO Toke Reedtz, tlf.: +45 5188 1262, e-mail: [email protected]
CFO Michael Nørgaard, tlf.: +45 2720 6214, e-mail: [email protected]

Waturu Holding A/S
Sjællandsgade 32
7100 Vejle

Certified Adviser
Västra Hammen Corporate Finance AB
Per Lönn, tlf. +46 40 200 255
Jungmansgatan 12 211 11 Malmö Sweden

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