Will Host 1,200 High School Students at the Overture Center for the Arts on Thursday, Oct. 3
NEWARK, Del.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#BridgingTheDream–National hip-hop recording artist, motivational speaker, and former middle-school teacher, Dee-1, and Sallie Mae, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, will host a financial literacy and planning for college workshop for more than 1,200 Wisconsin high school students on Thursday, Oct. 3 at the Overture Center for the Arts in Madison.
The Bridging the Dream Tour Starring Dee-1 will bring together students from more than 15 area schools. Over two sessions, Dee-1 will address critical topics including the importance of going to, and completing college, and how to responsibly pay for it. The event has been awarded the Governor’s Financial Literacy Award for the past two years.
As a graduate of Louisiana State University and former teacher, Dee-1 is uniquely positioned to inspire and motivate today’s youth with his story and message of financial responsibility. His partnership with Sallie Mae began when he released a viral hit song about paying off his student loans, titled “Sallie Mae Back”.
WHO: |
Dee-1, former educator turned hip-hop artist and motivational speaker |
Sallie Mae leadership and employees |
Kathy Blumenfeld, Secretary, Department of Financial Institutions |
Dee-1 and Sallie Mae, in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, will host 1,200 high school students from more than 15 areas schools at the Overture Center for the Arts. Dee-1 will educate students about the importance of planning for college and financial literacy, and perform his hit song, “Sallie Mae Back.” |
Thursday, Oct. 3 |
& WHERE: |
Session One: 9:30 a.m. CT |
Session Two: 12:30 p.m. CT |
Overture Center for the Arts |
201 State Street |
Madison, Wis. 53703 |
State Contact: Cheryl Rapp, 608.266.3289 |
Media Contact: Ashley Boucher, 302.451.0452 |
Media encouraged to arrive at 30 minutes prior to each session. |
Follow the Bridging the Dream Tour Starring Dee-1 and join the conversation on social media by using #BridgingTheDream and following @SallieMae and @Dee1music on Instagram.
For more information about saving, planning, and paying for college, including Sallie Mae’s free Scholarship Search tool, visit Sallie Mae.com and LookForwardWI.gov.
Sallie Mae (Nasdaq: SLM) believes education and life-long learning, in all forms, help people achieve great things. As the leader in private student lending, we provide financing and know-how to help make college happen and offer products and resources to help customers make new goals and experiences, beyond college, possible. Learn more at SallieMae.com. Commonly known as Sallie Mae, SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries are not sponsored by or agencies of the United States of America.
Ashley Boucher
[email protected]