Park Systems Announces the 2nd NanoScientific Forum Europe on September 11-13, 2019 to be held at University of Bologna, Italy


Park Systems and University of Bologna are proud to announce the 2nd NanoScientific Forum Europe (NSFE2019) to be held at University of Bologna Sept. 11-13, 2019. Registration begins Feb. 2019. The NSFE2019 will include an open AFM user forum, keynote lectures on AFM applications, live hands on AFM sessions and much more. For the conference details please click here:

NSFE 2019 will be hosted by Dr. Tobias Cramer, Asst. Professor and Researcher at Department of Physics and Astronomy of University of Bologna, and co-organized by CNR-ISMN Bologna, Italy. A special session will be dedicated to the characterization of novel semiconducting materials with multimodal scanning probe microscopies. “Advances in fabrication and nano-scale processing have provided access to multifunctional semiconducting materials with unprecedented performance and property combinations. Examples are semiconductors with soft mechanical properties, semiconductors that combine ionic and electronic conductivity or solution printable semiconductors to name a few. The progress opens enormous opportunities for innovative devices in ICT, biomedical or energy related applications,” explains Dr. Cramer.

Sponsored by Park Systems and NanoScientific Journal, NanoScientific Forums are offered world-wide to showcase advanced AFM applications and methodology, creating a link between research needs and technological solutions, driven by voices from the field.

The NSFE 2019 will included keynote lectures on different AFM applications, poster sessions and contributed lectures enabling young scientists to present their research projects, live hands-on-sessions on Park Systems AFM instruments, where you can learn the tips and tricks on various AFM techniques, and an exciting social program.