Mattamy Homes teams up with D-backs for trees for broken bats project

Members of the Mattamy Homes Phoenix team with one of the 80 trees planted as part of the Break-A-Bat, Plant-A-Tree program. (CNW Group/Mattamy Homes Limited)


Mattamy Homes Phoenix and the Arizona Diamondbacks are joining hands for an innovative venture: to plant trees for each bat that is broken during the intensity of a professional baseball game and discarded afterwards.

The venture, titled Break-A-Bat, Plant-A-Tree program works as follows: whenever a D-backs pitcher makes an opposing batter to break a bat during the team’s last regular season, Mattamy would donate a tree to the City of Phoenix.

D-backs Vice President of Corporate and Community Impact Debbie Castaldo said: “The D-backs are proud to partner with Mattamy Homes and are committed to supporting great neighborhoods for families. Our ‘Break A Bat, Plant A Tree’ program allowed us to plant 80 new trees in Phoenix-area parks. Working together and giving back with the dedicated employees from Mattamy Homes was a highlight for everyone involved in the project.”

“At Mattamy we believe it’s important to be part of and give back to the communities in which we develop and build,” says Harry Lourimore, Mattamy’s Phoenix Division President. “We look forward to being involved in various initiatives that help build vibrant communities and are grateful to our friends at the D-backs for their shared support of this imaginative project.”

This is a truly innovate eco-friendly project by Mattamy Homes Phoenix and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Small steps such as this would make the world a better place to live in.

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