Uruguay uses football to promote tourism


Uruguay’s tourism brand “Uruguay Natural” has conducted a friendly football match against Brazil in the Emirates Stadium for promoting tourism and business opportunities in the country.

The match allowed the organisers to showcase the country’s beauty and potential to try to a number of local businesses, investors, buyers and journalists on the sidelines of a football match.

The Uruguayan Ambassador to the UK, Fernando López Fabregat along with the Director of the country brand, Larissa Perdomo welcomed the guests to the match.

Larissa Perdomo said: “The UK is one of the most important markets for our international marketing campaign. London, being home to the most important opinion leaders from the investment, travel and lifestyle sectors, we had great pleasure in sharing our vision for the Country Brand of Uruguay with such influential locals.”

Uruguay, the winner of the first ever World Cup, is known around the world for its great footballers. Football will definitely be a great vehicle to carry the information about the country.

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