Hammacher Schlemmer, an American retailer known for its unique and unexpected gifts, has launched the latest addition to its 170-year old history: The Massaging Foot Of The Bed Warmer, which is actually an electric vibration warmer that keeps your toes—only the toes and feet, not the upper parts of the body—relaxed and heated.
This is small and easy to use. It consists of microfibres and comes with a remote control that allows you to change temperature. Nick DiMarco, Hammacher Schlemmer’s General Manager, said: “We are consistently exploring new avenues and innovations to improve sleep quality. This massaging foot warmer was developed exclusively for Hammacher Schlemmer and helps provide soothing warmth and relief after a busy day.”
The cost of the device is $79.95. If you are interested in gifting delightful, yet unusual gifts, this one is right for you.