Today, surrounded by industry leaders, researchers and students, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and the University of Toronto (U of T) celebrated the opening of the Centre for Research and Application in Fluidic Technologies (CRAFT). CRAFT will be a national innovation hub for in vitro diagnostics, regenerative medicine and precision medicine.

Discoveries and advances at CRAFT will benefit clinicians and patients, reducing costs for the Canadian medical system and providing advanced care to those who need it. They will lead to scientific publications, patents, and the commercialization of advanced health technology. This new collaboration will also assist Canadian medical devices and manufacturing industries, making them more competitive internationally.

Projects at CRAFT will apply microfluidic technologies to tackle:

  • in vitro diagnostics – the rapid diagnosis of diseases using clinical samples (blood, urine, etc.), shrinking what now takes entire medical laboratories onto one small chip
  • organ-on-a-chip engineering – re-creating the physiology of entire human organs on small devices to test the precise physiological responses of organs to medicines, for research and for personalized medicine
  • bioprinting – printing biological tissues for personalized regenerative medicine

Quick facts

  • The Centre for Research and Application in Fluidic Technologies combines University of Torontoand National Research Council of Canada resources and personnel to make a team of highly qualified people, students and postdoctoral researchers, which will grow in time and success.
  • The National Research Council of Canada and the University of Toronto are world leaders in microfluidics: the precise control of tiny amounts of fluids. This is done thanks to nanoscale plastic structures manufactured by both organizations in highly specialized fabrication facilities.
  • Projects at the Centre for Research and Application in Fluidic Technologies will be managed by more than 25 University of Toronto students and postdoctoral researchers who will be co-mentored by University of Toronto and National Research Council scientists and engineers.


“By partnering with academia, the NRC is advancing scientific knowledge and health technology. This national innovation hub will support Canada’s medical device manufacturing sector, strengthen the economy and improve the health of Canadians for years to come.”
The Honourable Navdeep Bains
Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development

“Close collaboration between the National Research Council of Canada and partners, such as universities, organization and other government departments, in common research areas will advance knowledge and support Canada’s regional and national economies.”
Iain Stewart
President, National Research Council of Canada

“This partnership between the National Research Council of Canada and the University of Toronto will lead to discoveries and advances in microfluidic research, accelerating the development and commercialization of biomedical technologies that will benefit Canadians and the Canadian healthcare system. The interactions with leading NRC scientists and U of T researchers will provide invaluable applied research experience and unique training opportunities for our students and young investigators.”
Prof. Vivek Goel
Vice-President, Research and Innovation, University of Toronto