The first expansion to the massive collectible card game Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions is ready to be unleashed in stores and on mobile platforms on November 30th. With the initial release seeing 10,000,000 physical cards sold in 10 days and over 200,000 digital games played; the banners for war have been raised worldwide. Now PlayFusion and Games Workshop are combining their might to bring the next set of 128 cards to players, so the battle can be waged in new and bloodier ways.
With Onslaught, comes the debut of the new card category: Realm Magic. Battles in the world of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions take place across the Mortal Realms. In Onslaught, these Realms are that of Aqshy; the Realm of Fire, and Ghyran; the Realm of Life. Align with a realm and unleash its power through new Blessings and Spells to crush foes.
Hammerhal, the Twin-Tailed city has long stood between the realms of Fire and Life; a beacon of the God-King Sigmar’s righteous glory. However, in the wake of the Shyish Necroquake dark magic permeates the realms and Hammerhal sits on the brink of war. The four Grand Alliances are ready to unleash their chosen champions and their tools of war onto the battlefield.
Harness the powers of the realms, form new tactics and tackle new challenges in Onslaught. Visit to learn more or click here to view the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions fact sheet.