Jisc and Elsevier Collaborate to Support UK Institutions with REF Compliance and Identify Article Metadata More Effectively


Jisc Router integrates ScienceDirect APIs to ingest and deliver article metadata more effectively across UK research institutions

Jisc, a not-for-profit organization committed to providing UK universities and colleges shared digital infrastructure and services, and Elsevier, the information analytics business specializing in science and health, have signed an agreement setting out how they will work together to support institutions to comply with UK open access policies, as part of their Open Science partnership, agreed in 2016 as a component of the UK Elsevier ScienceDirect renewal.

Both Jisc and Elsevier share the goal of making academic research and its contribution to scholarship, education, and social and economic development visible, and to support the successful and efficient, implementation of funder open access policies. In particular, Jisc and Elsevier share a commitment to help institutions implement the open access eligibility criteria for the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF).

With timely access to Elsevier’s ScienceDirect article and journal-level metadata, for example article acceptance date, embargo date, and grant/funder IDs, Jisc’s Publications Router service will be able to support UK institutions more efficiently and comprehensively identify UK-published articles at various stages of the publication process. UK institutions will be able to access this metadata via Elsevier’s APIs directly within their institutional repository or can get tailored feeds via the Jisc Publications Router. Subsequently institutions can ingest metadata into library systems and repositories giving institutions greater insight into their researchers’ publishing activities-empowering them to take steps to comply with open access policies.

Elsevier publishes 17 percent of UK authored papers and so this agreement marks a significant contribution towards helping UK universities identify publications and contribute towards REF compliance. This agreement boosts Router’s input coverage of UK authored papers from 63 percent to 74 percent, taking into account some overlap with sources already used by Router.

Jisc and Elsevier anticipate further opportunities for this kind of collaboration will be identified by the Jisc-Elsevier Open Science Forum, an additional outcome of the 2016 UK ScienceDirect agreement between Elsevier and Jisc Collections.

“This kind of interoperability between Jisc and Elsevier services makes a real difference to open science, easing its implementation and helping funders realize their aspirations,” said Professor Mark E. Smith, Vice Chancellor of Lancaster University and Chair of the Forum. “I hope the Forum will continue to provide a strong basis for collaboration of this kind, across the research lifecycle.”

“This agreement marks an expansion of our existing partnership with Jisc by working with them on another area of importance to UK institutions,” said Gemma Hersh, Vice President of Global Policy, Elsevier. “We are committed to working with all stakeholders to support platform interoperability and compliance with open access policies and are pleased to be able to use our technology infrastructure to enhance the discoverability of research outputs.”

“Integrating ScienceDirect APIs into the Jisc Publications Router automates and accelerates what used to be a very manual and cumbersome process,” said Bill Hubbard, Head of Scholarly Communications Support at Jisc. “The Router supports UK institutions to more easily comply with the approaching REF21 assessment – as well as with open access and funding body compliance more broadly. This project addresses several of our most pressing needs around identifying and gathering article metadata across UK research institutions. We’re pleased to work with Elsevier to deliver this service to our members.”

Elsevier and Open Science

This agreement is an example of Elsevier’s work to support open science, specifically to enable a more open, collaborative and transparent world of research. Elsevier is dedicated to making academic information in the broadest sense – articles, data, metrics, profiles – more widely available, easier to find, manage and report. We work on initiatives together with the academic community, including funding bodies, research consortia, and other information and data providers, to enable seamless researcher and institution workflows by making our products interoperable and API-based (read more: Elsevier Open Science).

Jisc and Open Research

Jisc has supported open research for many years, offers services to support open access and research data management, supports universities and researchers in adopting open research, collaborates with the sector to identify and share good practice, and works globally to ensure UK researchers can benefit from open research infrastructure including Jisc open access, research data management, and FAIR research.