Malaysia’s MIMOS launches clinically-tested non-invasive glucose monitor


Malaysia’s MIMOS, the national applied research and development agency, has made an important breakthrough in medical device technology. It has launched the first ever clinically tested, non-invasive, non-intrusive and non-destructive device, called GlucoSenz, for blood glucose monitoring. The device applies chemometrics methods to analyse the near-infrared (NIRS) obtained in absorbance mode through the user’s thumb spectra.

The device combines technologies based on photonics, electronics and computer science to monitor and predict blood glucose level from the blood capillaries of the human thumb without piercing the skin.

The user just had to place his or her thumb on the device. The reflected light from the thumb is collected by a fibre-optic probe that guides the light to a detector. The light spectrum is then analysed by a built-in software module. The blood glucose level result in mmol/l then appears on the LCD display.

The device is a result of a seven-year research and development by MIMOS’ photonics technology laboratory. Ethical approval for the device was obtained from the Malaysia Medical Device Association; Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cyberjaya University College of Medical Science (CUCMS) and the UKM Medical Centre (HUKM).

“The launch of GlucoSenz marks a huge step forward for MIMOS’ Advanced Electrical and Electronics division, particularly the photonics R&D team,” MIMOS R&D Senior Director Mohd Shahiman Sulaiman said.

“At this stage, the solution can bring a significant impact to healthcare providers, where safety and economics are of paramount importance. A non-invasive, non-intrusive glucometer will protect healthcare personnel from possible occupational exposure to infected blood. Hospitals and clinics will also reduce cost in the long run as alcohol swabs, lances and test strips will no longer be used,” he said.

Mohd Shahiman revealed that works on miniaturising the device are under way, with a target to produce the first mini prototype for trial by mid-2019.

“GlucoSenz would potentially replace conventional glucometers due to its ease of use and high accuracy. Countries with high rates of diabetes and obesity should keep a watch on this product as it has a huge market potential,” he said.

Mohd Shahiman added that market roll-out is expected by end-2019.

This is a major milestone in the continuing progress of medical device technology. GlucoSenz has the potential to become a household name in the future.

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