The Connector: Sevaun Palvetzian named one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women

Sevaun Palvetzian, CEO of CivicAction, Photo credit: Jelena Lazarevic. (CNW Group/CivicAction)

CivicAction CEO Sevaun Palvetzian was named one of Canada’s 100 Most Powerful Women by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN). One of 100 distinguished, inspiring, and dynamic leaders, Sevaun is an advocate for women in front of the camera and behind the scenes. She has used her position to ensure women’s voices are included and heard at decision making tables and has been a mentor to countless young women looking to take their first or next step.

“We all need an accelerator when it comes to our careers and development, and Sevaun has done that for many young people, especially women,” said Zabeen Hirji, Strategic Advisor, Private and Public Sector and Chair of CivicAction. “Sevaun understands that leadership means authentically connecting. I’ve seen first-hand how she helps others thrive by making space for them to pursue their passion and learn by doing.”

A voice of influence and advocacy on many urban issues, Sevaun is frequently called on for print, radio and TV commentary and is a key voice in thought leadership around the issues that matter most. As CEO of CivicAction, she has led the organization’s efforts to build diverse, inclusive leadership in the region by launching the CivicAction Leadership Foundation, and championing initiatives that more acutely impact women like income inequality, child care and workplace mental health.

“For centuries, women weren’t invited to the podium, represented in the boardroom and could only dream of assuming the corner office. This is changing with women moving onto literal centre stage through the work of WXN and others. This award is a great honour which inspires us to continue to advance opportunities for all women,” said Sevaun.

Sevaun is active in a range of community roles including serving as a member of the Premier’s Community Hubs Advisory Group, the Toronto Police Service Board Transformational Task Force, and as a member of Mayor John Tory’s Advisory Panel for International Hosting Opportunities. She sits on the Board of Directors for NPower Canada, Waterfront Toronto, and is a member of the Ivey Business School Leadership Council. She has an M.A in history from the University of Western Ontario, and has completed executive programs at the Ivey School of Business and Harvard School of Business.

WXN’s 2018 Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Top 100 Award Winners span the private, public and not-for-profit sectors and pays tribute to outstanding women across Canada who have advocated for diversity in the workforce and who serve as an inspiration for the next generation of leaders. Past Award Winners include Margaret Atwood, Dr. Roberta Bondar, Michaëlle Jean, and Heather Reisman.

For a full list of winners, please visit