Tatralandıa Aquapark Unveıls Europe’s Fırst Famıly Turbolance

Tatralandia Aquapark

– Tatralandia Aquapark Unveils Europe’s First Family Turbolance

– Polin Waterparks announces new additions to the Tatralandia Aquapark in Slovakia

Tatralandia Holiday Resort is the largest year-round water fun complex with accommodation in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland. Aquapark Tatralandia, which is a part of it, with year-round seaside paradise Tropical Paradise and accommodation complex Holiday Village Tatralandia, decided to expand and install new rides. They chose Polin Waterparks as their water slide supplier to create two unique rides for the parks. The two designed and installed slides are Polin’s Family Turbolance and Family Rafting Waterslides.

The installation of the waterslides at Tatralandia is nearing completion and the ride will be opening by the end of June.

Family Turbolance is first in Europe. It is a high capacity ride with 4 people. You start riding from a height of 17.16 m, which correspondents to a 5-floor panel building. Riders will first experience a steep/big drop down and then they are propelled uphill vertically. They then experience another unforgettable path, this time a reverse path taking them over a bump and ending into a splash pool. Tatralandia named the Family Turbolance as “Mega Delphin”.

Family Rafting Slide makes it possible to share entertainment and excitement. You can experience the joy of twists, turns and drops as a family in one of 4 passenger circular inflatable rafts. Tatralandia named the Family Rafting Slide as ”Mega 4 Family”

The new slide complex contains both a Family Turbolance and Family Rafting Waterslide with a conveyor in-between. Boats will be carried up. Just choose a raft when boarding and enjoy the unrepeatable ride.

Like Polin’s other signature attractions, Family Turbolance is manufactured via Resin-Transfer Molding (RTM) closed molded composites production technology which is the latest technology in waterslide manufacturing. This technology has many advantages. We can obtain a perfectly shiny and smooth finish on both sides of the slide; a more homogenous thickness distribution; perfectly smooth joints, and very important environmental advantages. Polin refers to the look as Magic Shine. Most waterslide manufacturers use conventional open-mold processes, which result in dull finishes that must then go another finishing process to achieve an acceptable exterior. RTM technology is mostly used in the automotive, marine and aircraft industries. Polin is the only waterslide manufacturer in the world that can produce large waterslide components using this technology and that can offer the complete line as RTM.

Along with the appealing aesthetic of a glossy exterior, Polin’s Family Rafting Waterslide also offers another innovative and patented feature: Polin’s Natural Light Effect (NLE) technology within the enclosed parts. During daylight, this manufacturing process allows the slide’s tubes to come alive with a shifting rainbow of colors. This effect can be seen by both the riders inside the tubes, as well as guests looking at the rides from outside the ride. Polin’s engineers invented this “natural light show” 20 years ago using a special technique that allows sunlight to filter through the slide’s composite material. As water flows through the tubes, it interacts with the light to create the effect. It’s true that other waterslide manufacturers offer lighting effects inside their slides. Polin’s technology, however, is unique because it requires no electricity, LED lamps or phosphorous paint. Polin has now been offering Natural Light Effects with RTM manufactured waterslides and Polin is holding a patent on this. No other waterslide manufacturer can offer this appealing special effect with an RTM manufactured waterslide.

Polin worked on the project’s design and construction alongside partner Eleven Kft. Polin has been a proud partner with the company for a long time.

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