Recovery tips for women for surviving the holidays shopping


Roseann Rook, CADC, clinical addictions specialist at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, has listed a series of tips for women on surviving the holidays.

“One of the most proactive and recovery-focused things a woman can do to keep her sobriety during the holidays is to increase her 12-step meetings,” said Rook. “Even if you are feeling in good spirits, you must stay committed to meetings and calling your sponsor.”

Another significant and practical tip is to “slow down” and check in with yourself throughout the day – what frame of mind are you in, what is your stress level?

Another tip is to avoid alcohol. It may not fashionable during holidays. However, it is important to remember that one’s sobriety is the priority. Rook suggests that if there’s a family event where the entire family drinks and you feel you will be triggered, you can leave early and go to a meeting after the event. You can also bring a sober friend along.

Mothers on recovery should go slow and take less burden on holidays. It is important to be realistic when taking responsibilities.

“The holidays don’t have to be about big parties and alcohol,” adds Rook. “In recovery, it’s a time to make meaningful memories with the people you love. It’s a time to focus on what you do have and be grateful you have another day sober. The most important advice is ‘be smart, not strong.’ You don’t have anything to prove and everything to lose by putting yourself in any situation that can take your sobriety away.”

Perhaps the women themselves know some of these tips. But it appears more important when experts spells them out.

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