Enzo Ferrari, founder of Ferrari sports cars. His civil registration birth certificate says he was born in Modena, Italy, February l8, 1898.

FamilySearch International announced free access to over 150 million Italian historical genealogical records—the largest online collection of its kind. The unprecedented initiative is the result of collaboration between FamilySearch, the Italian government, the Italian State Archives (Direzione Generale per gli Archivi or DGA), and many other archives. The free collections include over 200 years of digitized images of birth, marriage, death, and other significant family history records from all regions of Italy. Search the free Italy collections online at FamilySearch.org.

Over 100 million people worldwide claim Italian roots. Today, tracing their origins to Italy is much easier.

FamilySearch launched a massive collaborative effort with the National Archives of Italy (DGA) in 2011 that is proving to be “La Stele di Rosetta” (Rosetta Stone) for Italian family historians. The effort includes digitized birth, marriage, and death records from 1806 to 1945 found in the civil registrations of Italy in every state archive, and 15 million more are added yearly.

FamilySearch is now using online volunteers to make every name, place, and date in each record (estimated to be over 500 million names) easily discoverable online—for free. (To help go to FamilySearch.org/Indexing).

The civil registration records are the most complete of FamilySearch’s Italy collections, but some Church records in Italy date back to the 1500s. Today, these are a gold mine for Italian family history researchers.

Through agreements with Italian governments and other repositories, FamilySearch is essentially helping to open Italian archives to patrons all over the world and protect them against loss.

Explore Italy’s rich historical records: