Celebrating National Heroes Day, Deputy Ministry of Youth Development, Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), invited Indonesian youths to demonstrate the spirit of millennial heroes, or “Pemuda Zaman Now.” To excel the characteristic of millennial heroes, Kemenpora have initiated numerous programs, such as technology, art, culture, and entrepreneurship that aligned with the main theme of 2018 National Heroes Day in Indonesia, “Semangat Pahlawan di Dadaku.”
“In today’s digital era, young generation, including students and future leaders, now bear heavier burden to build this Nation. In order to continue the goodwill of our national heroes and Indonesia’sfounding fathers, we need to optimize our creativity and innovation to create positive and constructive breakthroughs,” said Imam Nahrawi, Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports.
In the framework of 2018 National Heroes Day, Kemenpora invites all young generation across cities in Indonesia, to expand the spirit of heroes through creative social media content. They are also invited to become influencers in their community, to inspire people on how to use social media platform wisely. All positive efforts include sharing knowledge and expertise among young generation, as well as telling stories of Indonesia’s heroes through millennial language to engage more with the youths.
“Young generation needs to fill the gaps in the social media with smart, constructive, and positive thoughts. In the coming years, these efforts will effectively create a more prosperous nation in Indonesia,” added Imam Nahrawi. To succeed the spirit of a true hero through social media, Kemenpora through Deputy Ministry of Youth Development, has also initiated Literacy Program for the Use of Social Media, Millennial Innovation as well as Discussion as parts of the Millennial Youth Literacy Program.
The Millennial Youth Literacy Program is a program by Kemenpora to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit among young generation in Indonesia, some of which are through literacy and knowledge sharing of entrepreneurship and investment. “These efforts aim to support all good potential of Indonesia’syouths, as the largest and diverse community. Moreover, they’re now facing challenges, to navigate the digital onslaught of the information age. Thus, we need to give the right assistance for them, to succeed an inspiring millennial hero character in their communities,” said Imam Nahrawi.
To support the spirit of millennial hero, Kemenpora through the Deputy Ministry of Youth Development also launched the Youth Entrepreneurship Development Workshop in Indonesia, which currently has spawned hundreds of entrepreneurial heroes in across cities in Indonesia. The program includes entrepreneurial training, funding, and mentoring to start a business. Kemenpora has also awarded 39 outstanding youths in Indonesia as entrepreneur heroes, that were selected through their creativity in building the nation through business innovation.
The workshop has been developed to widespread community, including all santri or Islamic boarding school students in Indonesia. “They are now being one of the cornerstones of the country’s economy. Hence, a santri must have an economically independent attitude. Moreover, entrepreneurial development is not only for pursuing profit, but also aiming to create good personality and leadership that needed to develop our country. Through this community, we are optimistic to realize a new character of hero, to succeed the economic growth in Indonesia,” said Asrorun Ni’am Sholeh, Deputy Minister of Youth Development.
Asrorun added that the millennial hero is no longer defined as freedom march to fight for independence. “They may come from any field, such as business, tourism, art, culture, and sports; as long as they carved out positive contribution to Indonesia.”