Vuzix Delivers M300 Smart Glasses to A1 Telekom Austria for the Connected Worker

Vuzix M300-A1 Telekom


Vuzix® Corporation (NASDAQ: VUZI), (“Vuzix” or, the “Company”), a leading supplier of Smart Glasses and Augmented Reality (AR) technology and products, is pleased to announce that an M300 Smart Glasses based remote field service pilot program with A1 Telekom Austria has been successfully tested.

A1 maintenance technicians with the use of Vuzix M300 Smart Glasses and assisted reality software solutions can now perform a high-quality review and a legally valid sign-off on work orders without being present on the job site. Prior to the use of smart glasses and hands-free remote video services experts were required to be present on the job site. A1 maintenance experts are now able to sign-off on work orders in up to a quarter of the time previously required.

Vuzix’ partner Nagarro and A1 implemented the pilot program within eight weeks using Upskill’s Skylight platform. The A1 application delivered end-to-end support of maintenance procedures on transmitter masts by real-time connections from experts and an integrated assisted reality software solution. The sign-off procedure is processed step by step via a dashboard solution allowing minor defects found during the review process to be rectified remotely by the technician while connected with the maintenance experts. Videos and photos of each job are taken with the glasses and archived for documentation purposes.

“We are delighted that A1 Telekom Austria successfully piloted the Vuzix M300 Smart Glasses to support their connected field workers. This is the latest example of a see-what-I-see application that can deliver knowledge where and when you need it to save time and money,” said Paul Travers, Vuzix President and Chief Executive Officer.


Zoltán is a self-taught publisher and events organizer who has developed several brands and services that have increased the notoriety of his company within multi-billion dollar industries. In 2018, he has become a TEDx speaker and talked about reputation management in the digital era. As Co-Founder of HIPTHER Agency, Zoltan has helped develop highly respected online news portals, virtual and in-person conferences that cater to multiple industries on 5 continents. Among the developed brands and services you can find online news portals that cover several tech industries, gaming, blockchain, fintech, artificial intelligence, and more. In parallel, the company has built a portfolio of annually organized boutique-style conferences in Europe and North America. All the events organized by his company focus on bringing a wealth of information about the latest innovation in several industries such as Entertainment, Technology, Gaming and Gambling, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Quantum Technology, Legal Cannabis, Health and Lifestyle, VR/AR, eSports and many more. Zoltan enjoys writing articles on all portals owned by the HIPTHER Agency, talking at conferences, hosting the weekly HIPTHER Talks Podcast, and loves spending time with his family. Zoltan is a duathlete who enjoys training for different international competitions which include running and cycling.