Amid recent alarming reports of the dramatic loss of wildlife and ecosystems worldwide, the European Union is calling for stronger global response to biodiversity concerns at the 14th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention on Biodiversity (CBD COP 14) in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Representing the European Union at the High-Level Segment, EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella said: “The current rate at which we are losing our wildlife and ecosystems is an existential threat as worrying as climate change. I am encouraged by the growing awareness of the links between the two, also at high-level international events such as this one and the upcoming United Nations climate change conference in Poland. Protecting biodiversity on land as in the ocean is important for future generations, but also for our current wellbeing.”
The high-level biodiversity conference where the EU will be leading the international efforts for a post-2020 global biodiversity framework, is expected to create consensus on the urgency of achieving global biodiversity targets by 2020. Wider integration of biodiversity concerns in agriculture, energy, mining, industry and infrastructure projects is instrumental to keep global temperature increases well below 2°C, in line with the commitments of the Paris Agreement.
Engaging more than EUR 350 million per year on biodiversity in developing countries, the EU is the biggest donor for the protection of biodiversity in the world. Growing awareness across Europe of the positive role of biodiversity and ecosystems for health and for food security means the European Union is well placed to provide global leadership. The business community is also realising how dependent they are on biodiversity with some businesses taking bold measures to consider their dependencies on natural capital.
Capitalising on these positive examples, the European delegation, headed by Commissioner Vella, will aim to bring biodiversity policy to the political forefront in order to prepare for an ambitious and united outcome at the Conference of the Parties (COP15) in China in 2020.
A press release is available online. (For more information: Enrico Brivio – Tel.: + 32 229 56172; Daniela Stoycheva – Tel.: +32 229 53664)