Italian AGCM rules in favour of Soundreef on songwriters’ rights


In a significant judgement in the entertainment industry, the Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM) has ruled in favour of Soundreef, in a complaint filed by Soundreef against the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE).

AGCM’s judgement deems that SIAE had abused its dominant position by following unfair and illicit conduct against writers, publishers, competitors and music licensees.

According to the judgement, SIAE’s complex strategy tended to violate authors’ rights and could exclude Soundreef from the market-place.

The ruling cited the following examples of SIAE’s unlawful actions:

  1. frustrating copyright owners’ freedom when granting, limiting or terminating SIAE’s mandate to administer their rights;
  2. establishing constraints, with the objective of managing the rights of non-SIAE-affiliated writers and publishers, even when these rightholders had explicitly affirmed their wish not to avail themselves of SIAE’s services;
  3. establishing constraints in the licensing activity by users, such as national TV broadcasters and live concerts organizers, willing to sign licensing contracts with SIAE’s competitors;
  4. seeking to prevent competitors from administering non-italian musical works in Italy.

Further to the judgment, AGCM instructed SIAE to immediately cease its restrictive conduct towards competitors, and refrain from such behaviour in the future.

“We are truly happy with AGCM’s ruling,” commented Davide D’Atri, Soundreef CEO, “as it restores justice in the world of copyright management. As stated by the Authority, SIAE must cease its illicit and restrictive conduct immediately.”


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