New liquid able to quickly extinguish all classes of fire (A, B, C, D, E, & F)
Environmentally friendly, cools to touch, and requires small volumes to put out a fire
The time it takes to extinguish a fire has been dramatically reduced with the global launch of Firexo.
(Logo: )
In one test, nine litres of the liquid put out a car fire in just 53 seconds, compared with conventional methods which can take up to an hour and 1,800 litres of water.
Furthermore, Firexo is the only solution able to extinguish all classes of fire (A, B, C, D, E & F). Electrical, fuel, gas, oil, metals, and solid combustible material fires can all be put out with it.
From professional firefighters to the general public around the world, everyone will be able to reach for Firexo without the worry of which extinguisher tackles what fire.
Firexo is also environmentally friendly – the non-toxic liquid is made from natural ingredients and is biodegradable, with a neutral PH. It cools materials to a temperature that they can be handled, creates less debris, and requires small volumes to extinguish a fire.
A rapid-response motorcycle could be dispatched to tackle any kind of fire and could hold enough of the liquid to put out up to three cars, as demonstrated by Firexo’s own display bike.
Currently, up to three fire engines complete with crews could be deployed to tackle a car fire. They may also have to deploy foam in addition to water, which is harmful to the environment and requires prior permission for the firefighters to use.
During the last financial year, Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) in England attended 564,827 incidents, up one percent on the year before, underlying the need for a time saving solution[1].
Within the current firefighting time frames, office buildings are still not protected enough from the damage a blaze can inflict before it is terminated. It’s extremely difficult for businesses to recover after a devastating fire – in fact, 80% of companies fail within 18 months of a major fire[2]. Fire brigades and businesses fitted with Firexo could dramatically reduce this figure.
Dave Breith, CEO of Firexo, said: “The current time frames to put out a fire, whatever type it may be, are too long. The people who have lost assets, valuables, property, investments and above all else, loved ones, would attest to this. The life-saving potential that Firexo yields is clear.
“It can be used in every single place where current fire extinguishers are found, by professional firefighters as well as people in their households when absolutely necessary, from small fires to forest fires. The global revolution in firefighting is here, and its possibilities are endless.”
Firexo will be available in four different forms: Sachet, designed to tackle pan fat fires, Spray, a smaller product for small fires, three sizes of Extinguishers aimed at homes and small, right up to enterprise, businesses, and Mass, targeted towards large organisations and fire rescue services. Global licensing agreements are also available.
2. NFU Mutual survey reported on by: