Growth and Development in the Animation Industry-Infographic by Prismart Global


Animation, itself is an industry on its own spreading options to develop and explore in various factors of everyday life. Animation markets majorly include the countries like Korea, France, Japan, Britain, China, Germany, Canada etc.

By keeping it short, we are here about to share the ups and downs of animation industry throughout years taking some key factors in concern, like firstly the growth and then followed by revenue generation, GDP percentage growth, employment speed and country outsourcing.

The rapid growth and easy accessibility of technology and infrastructure has made the animation available to mass of the public and lately it has been declared as one of the fastest growing industry in the arena. Depending on the statistics we can have a vivid idea of the anime world establishing the dominion along with other industries. So let’s have a quick look over the sustained period of time.

Firstly, The growth of Indian Animation industry started with 0.25 US billion dollars in 2006 and ended up with 0.94 US Billion dollars in 2012 Financial year, with an overall expansion of 0.69 US Billion dollars, which derives the escalation of 0.10 US Billion dollars every year.

A recent market research report states that the size of global animation industry is 222 billion USD according to the last checked year 2013.

Secondly, the GDP percentage growth of the animation industry started with – 0.2% in the year of 1980 and ended up as 1.6% in the year of 2016 (As per data collected) with a lot of variations in the complete graph.

Indian animation and VFX industry grew at 16.4% in the year 2016 while animation alone grew at a steady rate of 9%.

Third factor comes as the revenue generation where we have seen that Indian animation has gained an appraisable amount of international appeal specially for its’ charm in the content of mythologies. The revenue stream has taken another direction. Starting only with 31 Billion Indian rupees in the year of 2011 it has ended up in 80.4 Billion Indian rupees in the year of 2018. Also the surveyors hope that the generated revenue in the year 2020 will be 113.6 Billion. Significantly the mythological characters have brought a change in the revenue split during four years, from 2008-2012.

Revenue generation in this large format is influenced by the multinational studios, cable channel and TV broadcast companies. New sources of revenue is getting implied with DVD sales and intellectual property licensing.

As a fourth point, we can firmly state that nowadays India is becoming a hub for outsourced animation production services. Along with that, it is also developing a domestic market for the viewers. Market size has increased from more than 400 US Dollars to 1000 US Dollars within the period of time from 2008-2012.

Outsourced computer animation production is getting obtained by the North American and European film and television program producers.

Last but not the least, which remains as the most important factor for the employees is the employment speed. It has increased from more than 78000 to more than 90000 within the span of 2008 to 2012 in the ground of multimedia, art and animation jobs.


Author Bio:- Prismart Global

Prismart works on various fields like 3d Modeling, short movies, Animated TV/Web series, commercials/architectural visualizations, gaming and explainer videos.

Zoltán is a self-taught publisher and events organizer who has developed several brands and services that have increased the notoriety of his company within multi-billion dollar industries. In 2018, he has become a TEDx speaker and talked about reputation management in the digital era. As Co-Founder of HIPTHER Agency, Zoltan has helped develop highly respected online news portals, virtual and in-person conferences that cater to multiple industries on 5 continents. Among the developed brands and services you can find online news portals that cover several tech industries, gaming, blockchain, fintech, artificial intelligence, and more. In parallel, the company has built a portfolio of annually organized boutique-style conferences in Europe and North America. All the events organized by his company focus on bringing a wealth of information about the latest innovation in several industries such as Entertainment, Technology, Gaming and Gambling, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Quantum Technology, Legal Cannabis, Health and Lifestyle, VR/AR, eSports and many more. Zoltan enjoys writing articles on all portals owned by the HIPTHER Agency, talking at conferences, hosting the weekly HIPTHER Talks Podcast, and loves spending time with his family. Zoltan is a duathlete who enjoys training for different international competitions which include running and cycling.