Drishti IAS Launches Newly Designed Web Portal for Civil Services Aspirants


Drishti The Vision (Drishti IAS) is celebrating its 19th foundation day on 1st November, 2018. To mark this day, Drishti is launching a brand new web portal for UPSC aspirants. This portal is available on http://www.drishtiias.com and it has two websites within its fold – one each for Hindi and English medium aspirants.

Both these websites come with multiple functionalities. These functionalities help fill the gap where reading and taking notes, bookmarking and collecting reading materials, and interacting with fellow aspirants, overlap one another. For example, it is now possible to jot down valuable notes by the side of an article, on the website itself. One does not have to go to a different app or notebook for that. This saves a lot of precious time for aspirants. Similarly, in case of a hurry, simply bookmark articles to read later, or send every article read (and subsequently worked upon) to the progress tab. That way, all of one’s reading materials are streamlined at one place.

What further makes the new websites most invaluable for any aspirant is that both are updated with quality articles every day. Take current affairs for example. Both the websites feature not only daily updated current affairs that is curated by experienced editors but they also feature daily Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on the same material. Thus, one can not only read up the day’s current affairs but also attempt the related daily MCQs to test oneself.

These websites also come at a crucial juncture of time. These days, UPSC is setting question papers which are considerably more challenging than before. Both the Preliminary and the Mains examinations have become difficult nuts to crack for the average aspirant. And it seems the only way to overcome this difficulty is by being smart and dynamic with the preparation. To be smart is not to bulldoze through tens of different books while trying to understand the basics, and to be dynamic is to be able to add to existing knowledge some new information, without a Herculean effort. This is where web-based solutions to UPSC preparation come in handy. Such solutions are just a click away, are always available and most importantly are made and primed by those who are experts in this field. Not checking out this mode of preparation is definitely a fatal mistake and cannot, therefore be advised.

The solution to clearing and securing a good rank in the Civil Services Examination has evolved too. The need for burning the midnight oil though, hasn’t changed. What has changed instead is the method for preparation where, what is being learned has to be proportional to the time spent learning it. Managing time vis-a-vis learning something is the new mantra. As such, except for maybe a few books, reading a book cover to cover can no longer be advised for clearing this examination. Instead, a topic-wise effort, regularly revised and updated, along with a development of one’s own views on a topic (through engaging in debate and discussions with fellow aspirants) is needed. The forums on the new Drishti websites propose to do exactly this. They provide an opportunity to connect with other aspirants and fill gaps in knowledge and understanding. This is important because ‘learning‘ has always been a matter for the socialendeavour, as opposed to ‘studying‘ which is always a solo effort. Drishti IAS is giving an opportunity to both learn as well as study on its new websites. Feel free to check it out, give the new method a try.