Nearly two years ago, Kelly, then 46, realized diet and exercise alone was not going to get her back to her pre-baby body. The mother of two children, currently aged eight and eleven, hadn’t worn a pair of jeans in nearly ten years and decided to explore her options. Now, the 48-year-old happily wears jeans, and even a bikini, with confidence. The reason – the Mummy Tuck.
Post-pregnancy, there are many new-moms who can bounce back to their pre-baby bodies through exercise and eating healthy. However, some women can’t get rid of the belly pooch, no matter how many SoulCycle or Pilates classes they push through. Anna, a 46-year-old mother of two children aged seven and five, was hesitant about the Mummy Tuck at first, but after doing some Internet research she knew it was the right path forward. “I initially thought ‘no way’, but after having the kids I was never the same.” Anna says, “I lost all of this weight and the extra skin bothered me so much. I started looking online at before and afters and thought ‘that’s pretty amazing’.”
Both Kelly and Anna came across Power Plastic Surgery, an all-female private practice, through some Google searches. They both knew they wanted a female doctor, as Kelly says, “because who knows a woman’s body better than a woman.” Dr. Stephanie Power works with her Mummy Tuck patients to restore their body confidence post-pregnancy.
The tummy isn’t the only area that adjusts during pregnancy. A Mommy Makeover, which addresses both the abdomen and breasts, are becoming increasingly popular. “Mommy makeover — cosmetic breast surgery and tummy tuck — is one of the most common procedures in my practice,” says Dr. Power. “While pregnancy may be possible after a tummy tuck, it is recommended to wait until finished having children before undergoing this surgery. The results of a tummy tuck would be compromised otherwise. I make similar recommendations to women considering cosmetic breast surgery if planning a pregnancy in the near future.”
“I wasn’t overweight, I just had this excess of skin,” says Kelly. “There was nothing I could do to get rid of it. I felt guilty going out there and spending money on this instead of my family or taking a vacation. Dr. Power’s reassurance that there’s absolutely nothing else I could do to get rid of the skin, and that it will make a huge difference really played a huge role in adjusting my thinking – that I wasn’t dieting enough or working out enough. I just couldn’t change it and it was nice to have that reassurance.”
Referred to in the medical field as an Abdominoplasty, the procedure improves abdominal contour, corrects excess abdominal skin and tissue and repairs the rectus diastasis (those “six pack” muscles). Basically, it helps to vanish love handles, muffin tops and create that coveted hourglass shape.
Anna was initially worried that a visit to the plastic surgeon’s office would be a frustrating experience, with the doctor pointing out all her flaws. “Dr. Power had a very nice approach. After watching TV shows you think you are going to go in and the plastic surgeon is going to draw on you and tell you everything that’s wrong. She didn’t do that at all. Often doctors have an arrogance and she was like to talking to a regular person,” Anna explains.
Post surgery, the patient remains overnight until the following morning for observation and pain control. Anna had her procedure back in June and notes the recovery is similar to when she had a C-Section. She didn’t experience any complications.
When asked if they would do the procedure again should they have to, both didn’t hesitate in responding, “yes”. Anna adds, “It couldn’t have been any better than it was, mostly because of Dr. Power, she knows her stuff. I felt really confident with her and knew things weren’t going to go sideways.”
The Mummy Tuck is performed under general anesthetic. Patients are generally able to return to work within 1 – 2 weeks but should refrain from heavy lifting for 4 – 6 weeks. For more information, or to request an interview with Dr. Power, please contact Gillian DiCesare, [email protected].