Nurofen and Pain UK mobilise 24 people, that suffered from body pain, to help build a Pop-Up Body Garden in 24 hours

Nurofen and Pain UK Mobilise 24 People, That Suffered From Body Pain, to Help Build a Pop-Up Body Garden in 24 Hours and Showcase What Can be Achieved When Not Held Back by Pain

Almost 10 million Britons suffer from pain most days resulting in a major impact on their quality of life and more days off work[1]

The pain barrier can hinder people from embracing activities they love like gardening and cause them to miss out on the proven health and wellbeing benefits

Nurofen celebrates the launch of the UK’s only 24 hour clinically-proven pain relief ibuprofen patch, by constructing an interactive Body Garden in London’s Kings Cross Station in just 24 hours. Nurofen’s Know More Pain campaign is encouraging people to understand more about everyday pain: how to manage it effectively; and how keeping active, be it in the garden or elsewhere, is key. If you know more about pain it can help you embrace life with one less barrier.

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The 24 volunteers, who have previously experienced body pain, helped to build the garden alongside experts, and are testament to what can be achieved when you are relieved from body pain. However, new survey findings from Know More Pain found that body pain is sometimes ignored and goes unaddressed.[2]

Body pain is one of the most commonly experienced pains, affecting approximately 77% of people in the UK over a given month, versus 61% who suffer from headache (according to a 2017 survey).[3]However, it is often disregarded with only 20% of people in the UK saying they would treat body pain right away compared to half who treat a headache immediately.[2] Furthermore, many body pain sufferers experience uncertainty about how to treat it. Only 20% of people claim to be confident when it comes to pain self-care.2

The survey also revealed that 58% of Brits said they are less active in the winter months and often feel less happy as the days become shorter and colder.2 42% of people said that when they are more physically active, they tend to have less aches and pains, and 54% said that when they suffer pain being active and doing activities such as gardening, is something they miss the most.2

Body pain has a big impact on society. Musculoskeletal problems (including back pain, neck and upper limb problems) accounts for around 30 million working days lost due to sickness each year.[4]Physical activity such as gardening is important to help maintain strength and flexibility in our joints and muscles, says Noel Wicks, Pharmacist. “Body pain can have a range of effects including poor mood, impact on family members, sex life, productivity at work and physical activity. I would encourage people to learn more about body pain and take steps to address it, so they can go on enjoying their life. The pharmacy is a great source of advice and support on body pain.”

Gardening expert David Domoney comments on the wellbeing benefits of gardening: “Gardening is a great way to lift your mood, and being engaged in the natural world is good for us. In the winter people often shy away from the garden, but it’s an easy way to keep active and provides a breadth of mental and physical benefits, while keeping your garden ship shape all year round. As it is physically demanding, there are simple steps people can take to get the most out of their gardening experience. My advice is to take regular breaks, stretch before and after, change positions frequently, don’t overdo it.”

The Know More Pain Body Garden was constructed in 24 hours by 24 people who had previously experienced body pain, working alongside expert garden designers. It offers visitors the chance to learn more about the impact of body pain, how it can be managed and what it feels like to experience body pain. It will also bring rural idyll to a city location creating an environment that will encourage people to engage with the educational aspects and also interact with the beauty of the garden – who will be able to resist taking a selfie of the colourful garden in its unusual location?

The ’round the clock’ topical pain relief provided by Nurofen’s new medicated patch targets joint and muscle pain. It works by delivering ibuprofen directly to the site of pain over 24 hours, to provide relief in a convenient and easy to wear design.[5]

Nurofen is a proud supporter of Pain UK, who support people living with pain in the UK. To demonstrate its support of the charity, Nurofen is making a donation for every selfie, post, like or share of The Body Garden posted on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, using the hashtag #KnowMorePain*.

Antony Chuter, Chair of Pain UK, comments: “We are pleased to be associated with Nurofen and support their Know More Pain campaign which endeavours to educate people about pain and effective self-care. Improving people’s wellbeing and helping people make the most of life is worth supporting.”

The Nurofen Joint & Muscular Pain Relief 200mg Medicated Plaster is indicated for pain relief of muscular strains or sprains close to the joint of the upper or lower limb. The innovative design is flexible and provides easy & mess-free application to relieve joint and muscular body pain so you can get back to doing what you love, gardening or otherwise.

Job code: UK/N/0818/0066

Date of preparation: October 2018

Zoltán is a self-taught publisher and events organizer who has developed several brands and services that have increased the notoriety of his company within multi-billion dollar industries. In 2018, he has become a TEDx speaker and talked about reputation management in the digital era. As Co-Founder of HIPTHER Agency, Zoltan has helped develop highly respected online news portals, virtual and in-person conferences that cater to multiple industries on 5 continents. Among the developed brands and services you can find online news portals that cover several tech industries, gaming, blockchain, fintech, artificial intelligence, and more. In parallel, the company has built a portfolio of annually organized boutique-style conferences in Europe and North America. All the events organized by his company focus on bringing a wealth of information about the latest innovation in several industries such as Entertainment, Technology, Gaming and Gambling, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Fintech, Quantum Technology, Legal Cannabis, Health and Lifestyle, VR/AR, eSports and many more. Zoltan enjoys writing articles on all portals owned by the HIPTHER Agency, talking at conferences, hosting the weekly HIPTHER Talks Podcast, and loves spending time with his family. Zoltan is a duathlete who enjoys training for different international competitions which include running and cycling.